The Evolution of a Community
My grandparents bought property in Stuart in 1941. Back then, there wasn't much here in town but they knew they needed to own a piece of it. Fast forward to 1975 when my family, including my grandmother, finally moved here from Chicago. The town had certainly grown but there still wasn't very much here. Grocery shopping consisted of one Publix, a Pigley Wigley and a WinDixie. We shopped for clothes downtown at Green's or Stuart Department stores. If you wanted to catch a movie, you had one choice; whatever was playing on the one screen at the Mayfair theater on US1. A lot has changed since then but Stuart somehow has managed to maintain it's small town charm and I certainly hope it stays that way. If you are like me and enjoy the home town feel of Stuart, I thought you might appreciate this video of Stuart from 1963 that was recently posted by the Historical Society of Maritn County. Enjoy!