Small town charm
Small town living has a lot of perks and one of them has to be local parades. There is something special about watching your friends and neighbors walk down the street waving, smiling and laughing or hearing someone you know yell out your name as they pass by handing out candy. .
The residents of Martin County love a good parade and so even though there was some rain early in the evening, the crowds were not to be denied. East Ocean was lined with happy faces and a cheer could be heard as the parade kicked off.
Frosty welcomed everyone to the Stuart Christmas Parade on a beautiful night in Martin County

The floats ranged from simply decorated cars

to professional looking floats

and a friendly local cub scout troop

while we'll never see enough snow to make a snowman, we still love them anyway

Santa and friends enjoying an elevated view as they head down the street

This float is going to the dogs

The bands staged up at Sailfish park waiting for their turn to entertain the crowd.

This float is made out of girlscout cookies- yum!

and even a float that reminds us of one of the other great things about small town living... the Martin County Fair

While, we may not have won an award, the flame from our RE/MAX of Stuart balloon is always a winner with the kids

Certainly something you won't see up north, a reindeer working a paddleboard

or the neighbors stringing lights on their palm trees

My first time walking in the parade and it was so much fun hearing the kids get excited about the flame shooting out the top of the float. Love my RE/MAX family.