Meals on Wheels
The Council on Aging's Meals on Wheels program provides hot, noontime meals for those who are unable to shop or cook. Although Meals on Wheels primarily serves frail seniors, it is available to all Martin County residents who have a need for this service, whether on a permanent or temporary basis. To keep costs affordable, volunteers deliver over 250 meals each day throughout Martin County. Meals are delivered to clients' homes Monday through Friday, between 10:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. The program accommodates a wide range of therapeutic diets for those with special needs.
In addition to providing seniors with a hot, healthy lunch, the program maintains a much-needed personal daily contact by volunteers with Meals on Wheels recipients who are often alone or isolated. Volunteers are trained how to respond to emergencies and notify the proper authorities in the event of any concern. Meals on Wheels is most appropriate for those with limited mobility who cannot easily leave their homes or cook for themselves. For more active elders, the Council on Aging Senior Dining Centers offer a nutritional alternative with greater opportunities to socialize. If you are interested in volunteering contact the Council on Aging at +1 (772) 223-7800 or visit their website

Meals on Wheels
Council on Aging
900 SE Salerno Road
Stuart, FL 34997
Phone: 772-223-7800
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